Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Waterfalls, and Jeeping ....................... oh My !

Tuesday we spent the morning cleaning the rig some more, organizing things, etc.... We also took care of some healthcare insurance issues, and got a new insurance policy on the Motor Home and the Jeep.  In the afternoon we took a bike ride over to the subdivision on the opposite side of the golf course and rode through there.  Great view of the lake and very up and down.  We did notice that we are handling the hills a lot better than the first few bike rides !  That is good right ? !

Wednesday, Just as I thought, no pickle ball this morning.  Knee still hurts pretty good.  She is not entirely sure how she hurt it.  I went to the gym to get a work out in and Bren came over and used the recumbant bike to try to loosen up her knee.  It seemed to work, so we went for a cool down walk around the resort.  Knee feeling better !  Right until she tried to step up into the coach and then it hurt again...........She took some Motrin and we decided to go fishing.  We took off for St. Ignatius for lunch at the Mission General Store for a "BIG" Sandwich.  We got there way faster that we thought it would take and since this town is right next to the mountains and we have a JEEP, we went exploring.  We found a road called the Mission Valley Dam Road, sounded interesting so off we went.  

Started off paved, went to gravel, then to bad gravel.  We arrived at the Mission Valley Reservoir and it was very beautiful.  The road then went off toward the mountains along side of the water so we were off.  The bad dirt road turned quickly into 4 wheel drive road,  The views were great as we twisted and turned though the woods and along the water.  About an hour later and 3 miles, we arrived at a dead end with a deafening sound of running water.  After a short hike we arrived at a very beautiful set of waterfalls.......................

This made the rough ride in worth it.  It was amazing how cold it got as you got closer to the water.  this is snow run off !  On the way back, we drove over the dam to see what was on the other side and there was a little 4 wheel drive area, so the 12 year old in me said lets go !  After some fun, we came across a cool water crossing right in the reservoir.............had to do it !

From here we had worked up an appetite and headed back to the General Store.  This is a huge General Store in the middle of nowhere, run by Mennonites.  Prices are ridiculously cheap and the food is supposedly good.  We both ordered the "Big Sandwich".  You basically step up to the counter, pick from several home made bread options that are hand cut in front of you and then just pick from about 8 dressings, a dozen meats, 2 dozen toppings, and $4.99 later you are in heaven !  Here is Brenda's sandwich and her attempt to eat it.......

YUMM !  They also have a great selection of meats and cheeses at about half off of the grocery store prices so we stocked up since we will be "working" over the weekend and quick lunches will be in order.  We made it back in time for Happy Hour and then watched TV.  BTW, we will go fishing another day.....................:)       More to come..............

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